Typical Components of a Solar Electric System

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Solar Electric Mounting Structure,Montana solar, solar Montana, Missoula Solar, Missoula renewable energy, solar, photovoltaics, solar installations, energy consultation, solar power, energy, energy electric contractor, energy generation, grid-tie
Montana solar, solar Montana, Missoula Solar, Missoula renewable energy, solar, photovoltaics, solar installations, energy consultation, solar power, energy, energy electric contractor, energy generation, grid-tie

The typical components of your solar electric system:

Solar PV Panels — Generate DC electricity

Inverter — Converts the DC to standard AC electricity that is compatible with the electrical grid and capable of powering electrical devices.

Mounting Structure – Roof Mounted: Probably the most common type of mounting system, roof mounting, involves the panels being attached to an existing roof using a racking system.

Utility Meter — Tracks the solar electricity that your system produces and feeds to the utility grid, thereby keeping track of your credit from the utility.

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